Tagged: missing

last june’s fawn returns

yes, missing you in

yes, missing you in
exactly one-point-two-seven
worlds looks like sudden

absentmindedness, a tipped
wine glass, going home early

finding self is a

we are sure, but not

three months later, we

bus, train, or car ride –

missing the look of

missing the look of
the moon from this particular
street is perhaps too

specific – the tilt of these
branches, the curve of the sky

maybe we are in

there are layers to

there are layers to
memories that reside in
whispers – not knowing

what happened to the other colt
gets pushed into these shadows

** in the absence of The Daily Post from WordPress, here’s your daily prompt: layers

this evening, when the

this evening, when the
sandhill cranes arrived, you noticed
one colt missing – from

four to three to two to one, we
will one day all go missing

** in the absence of The Daily Post from WordPress, here’s your daily prompt: missing