Tagged: morning

peeking through cypress,

on this side of the

on the third day in 

on the third day in 
hualien, we rose with the sun,
downed a cup of sweet

coffee on the rocky shore,
waited for others to stir

of the innumerable

of the innumerable
ways to mourn, i
am negotiating grief
in REM sleep this
morning, consoling
a young colleague
in the art of letting
it out, letting
go, an unsteady
navigation of
space, time, and
reality – on your
birthday, in the nearly
third anniversary of
your passing, we
practice the improbable
parallels of joy and
grief, keeping it
together without
so much

on the second straight

we arrived on the

there may come a

scenes from letting go –

there are two kinds of

there are two kinds of
people – those who make their beds
in the mornings and

those who have no inclination
to do so – both are at a loss

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