Tagged: gathering

to gather or not

getting together

four weeks before we

in the city that

part of gathering

in between the

in between the
hours that march
towards our gathering,
dreams of sweet
potato pie
, my
mama’s arms and
hands assembling
the dumplings and
us, daddy checking
the clock again

** in the absence of The Daily Post from WordPress, here’s your daily prompt: assembling

t-minus five days

t-minus five days
until we are home,
gathering like lost
leaves, manifold
colors from the
same tree

** in the absence of The Daily Post from WordPress, here’s your daily prompt: manifold

we are gathering

on most days, i am

on most days, i am
afraid that i will be more
tempted to jump than
to step solidly backward –
we all know a little
something about
gathering momentum

we are an hour’s