Tagged: butterfly

monarchs, swallowtails,

september arrives

all at once, you are

all at once, you are
everywhere – in the butterfly
visiting the west

side, the dragonfly passing
through the garden this morning

afternoons in our

afternoons in our
backyard, the wasp tries the lock
again, two humming-

birds dive-bomb past the feeder,
a butterfly flaps its wings

** in the absence of The Daily Post from WordPress, here’s your daily prompt: lock

there’s expectation

there’s expectation
in the unexpected – a pair
of wings picking out

a single blossom between a
skyscraper and its shadow

** in the absence of The Daily Post from WordPress, here’s your daily prompt: unexpected

you plant butterfly

perhaps you and i

love is a run-on

love is a run-on
pleasure that gathers all
gestures into context

context is a butterfly
net thirty minutes
deep capturing
delicate words

words are small, wild
animals caught
and released
after tagging and
studying them with love

love is a run-on
reverie that needs
no context to roam

blow hard, and a handful

blow hard, and a handful
of september
days will burst forth
from their hibernation
like roosting
butterflies, each
with tinseled
wings and
radiant applause