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  1. Pingback: A Peaceful Sleep | A mom's blog
  2. Pingback: Weekly writing Competition: Snapshots (sans photo) | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)
  3. Pingback: of how things look | Anawnimiss
  4. Pingback: A King and His Kingdom | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real
  5. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Snapshots | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  6. Pingback: DP Weekly Writing Challenge: Snapshots (Haibun) | Bastet and Sekhmet's Library
  7. Pingback: A moment is worth a thousand words | The Silver Leaf Journal
  8. Pingback: DP Weekly Writing Challenge: Snapshots – Spring Morning | Bastet and Sekhmet's Library
  9. Pingback: Cheerful, Isolated Harmony [FLASH FICTION] | Ramisa the Authoress

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